Recently, an NFS shared directory was mounted with the NFS client for z/OS and there are a large number of non zero Unix System Services events showing up in the TSSUTIL report. The events are normal, but is there a way to have them not displayed in the TSSUTIL report?
OPTIONS(32) in the Top Secret parameter file is what logs the Unix System Services (USS) events to the Top Secret Audit and Tracking File (ATF). To stop the USS events from logging, remove OPTIONS(32) from the Top Secret parameter file and recycle Top Secret.
If the USS events should be logged to the ATF, leave OPTIONS(32) set and use the DRC operand in the TSSUTIL REPORT statement to select all records with specific error codes to be displayed in the report. For example:
REPORT DRC(code) NOLEGEND END /* Selects all events for the specified code (x'00' through x'FF' - up to a maximum of 32 total DRCs) */
REPORT DRC(IN) NOLEGEND END /* Selects all initiation violation codes. 01 - 1D, 46, and 64, but 004 and 008 */
REPORT DRC(DS) NOLEGEND END /* Selects all data set violation codes. 65 - 72 */
REPORT DRC(VL) NOLEGEND END /* Selects all volume violation codes. 73 - 81 */
REPORT DRC(RS) NOLEGEND END /* Selects all resource violations. 42, 5F - 63, and 82 - 101 */
REPORT DRC(PW) NOLEGEND END /* Selects all password and OID violations. 07 - 0F */
Only 1 DRC statement can be specified per report.
NOTE: The non zero USS events do not correspond to detail reason codes (DRC) for Top Secret violations.