NODFLT patrameter during theTMSEXPDT
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NODFLT patrameter during theTMSEXPDT


Article ID: 98067


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CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


What exactly we should get on the TMS Report 22 when the NODFLT parameter is used on the TMSEXPDT utility if the Retention Data Set (RDS) is a null data set (SYSIN DD DUMMY) ? 


Component: 1


The Default Expiration Update Listing reports on all data sets that are eligible for RDS override and their current RDS expiration dates or retention periods.

If the Retention Data Set (RDS) is a null data set (SYSIN DD DUMMY), the EARLOUT data set will contain data sets eligible for RDS override processing.

With PARM=NODFLT and with a Retention Data Set a null data (SYSIN DD DUMMY) we will get all files found on the TMC indicating "RDS MESSAGE' = NO RDS REC

NODFLT parameter >>> Indicates that the EARLOUT data set lists records with an RDS match only. This parameter is ignored if the RDS file does not have valid DSN= or MGMTCLAS= control statements.