The basic steps here will go over how to configure Windows Applications to allow X11 forwarding from a Linux host to the Windows PC.
This will allow you to walk through the GUI installer for CABI 6.3 JasperReports.
1. You will need to install a X Server for Windows.
Locally tested is an application called Xming X Server for Windows.
This is open source software.
2. Once you have the X Server installed, please be sure it is running.
3. Next, please be sure you have Putty installed as well.
This is also a free SSH/Command line application.
4. Start Putty
5. Fill out the connection information
Hostname (Linux host you wish to install on)
On the left side expand SSH and select X11.
Check off "Enable X11 Forwarding"
Do not put in a X Display location
Connect to your host.
6. Confirm the display was exported by typing "echo $DISPLAY"
Note - Do NOT change what is here, this was setup by putty.
7. You can now test an X App, or attempt to start the CABI installation.
Test Command: xterm &
Please note that local and remote firewall can/will effect the outcome of this.
Please work with your local admins if you run into trouble with this procedure.