Unfortunately not. IBM's BDT-2 cannot transmit PDS/E datasets. Only sequential and PDS are supported.
Whenever program objects (residing in PDS/E program libraries) are shipped using BDT-2, the following effecta can be observed:
- Endevor creates PDS/E host staging libraries
- The remote staging libraries created by BDT-2 are PDS
- Copy of the remote staging datasets to its final destination raises message IEW2508S 3605 MODULE TESTIFOR IDENTIFIED BY DDNAME IAR002 IS NOT A VALID
PROGRAM OBJECT. CODE 1 to JESMSGLG - IEBCOPY SYSPRINT shows error messages like IGW01207E BINDER DETECTED AN ERROR WHILE PROCESSING MEMBER TESTIFOR. BINDER RETURN CODE = X'0000000C' REASON CODE = X'83000503' which indicate an I/O error in the input dataset
Sites in this situation need to change the transmission method to, for example, FTP or XCOM.