When trying to create a new Simple Report, the following error may be displayed in some circumstances. The error message received shows out of memory errors but there seems to be enough memory and the report generation is not getting that far..
General/OE_SYSTEM_ERROR GUI; ASP.s2sservices_clienterrorlogservice_aspx; P "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NETFiles\root\fad9a759\8095a752\App_Web_t2zoybb5.8.csProcessRequest0
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This problem occurs when there are over 65535 metrics with a measurability status of Active. This error can be removed by marking unused metrics as inactive - while this is a hard limit, the large number will cause a performance impact as well, so reducing the limit is the recommended solution.
This problem has been fixed by the patch, available in the Broadcom Support Portal.