Batch reassignment of Dataquery queries to another user
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Batch reassignment of Dataquery queries to another user


Article ID: 9789


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Datacom Datacom/DB


It is sometimes necessary to reassign or transfer a Dataquery user's queries to another person. If there are only a few, it can easily be done online. However, if there are many, it is much easier to do this in a batch process. This article explains a process to do that.

This process will provide a job that will 

  1. Backup all queries that were created (authored) by a particular user
  2. Delete all the queries for that user
  3. Load (Restore) all the queries from the backup to a new user
  4. Produce a directory listing of all members for both the "From" and the "To" user


In order to rename the owner of these queries, take a backup of the queries for the "From" user, remove the "From" user queries, and then restore the backup to the "To" user. The only thing to be aware of is if your "To" user already has queries with the same member name, you have to manage that beforehand. If you want to replace that member with the one from the backup, then you would have to delete the "To" user version or rename it manually before running this job.

We recommend that you take a DBUTLTY backup of the DQQ area before running this process.

Here is a sample JCL member that you can use (it is attached to this article, also).

//DQLIBJOB  JOBCARD                                                     
//* -----------------------------------------------------------------7- 
//  EXPORT SYMLIST=(*)                  <- DO NOT REMOVE THIS           
//* -----------------------------------------------------------------7- 
//* Change the following SET parameters as indicated                    
//* -----------------------------------------------------------------7- 
//*      Dataquery "From" and "To" users                                
//  SET  NAMEF=ffffffff,NAMET=tttttttt                                  
//*      Filename for the Dataquery backup of the "From" user queries   
//  SET  DQBKP=your.query.backup.file                                   
//*      Process which "From" user queries for Backup and Restore?      
//  SET  BKSTAT=ALL             Backup  ALL, PUBLIC, or PRIVATE?        
//  SET  RSSTAT=ALL             Restore ALL, PUBLIC, or PRIVATE?        
//*      Select one of these for the backup file storage                
//* SET  BKPSTO='UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=VVVVVV'                              
//*      How much SPACE for the backup file?                            
//  SET  BKPSPC='SPACE=(CYL,(200,20),RLSE)'                             
//*      Specify the Dataquery LOGIN and PASSWORD                       
//*      Enter the loadlibs for the Datacom MUF and for IPC             
//  SET  BDCUS=your.datacom.DB.CUSLIB                                   
//  SET  BDLOD=your.datacom.DB.CABDLOAD                                 
//  SET  VQLOD=your.IPC.CAVQLOAD                                        
//* -----------------------------------------------------------------7- 
//*  NO NEED TO MAKE ANY CHANGES BELOW THIS LINE                        
//* -----------------------------------------------------------------7- 
//*         DQLIB                        S T A R T   O F   P R O C   *  
//DQLIB     PROC                                                        
//DQLIBRMT  EXEC PGM=DQLIBRMT,REGION=4M                                 
//STEPLIB   DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=&BDCUS                                     
//          DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=&BDLOD                                     
//          DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=&VQLOD                                     
//SYSPRINT  DD  SYSOUT=*                                              
//SNAPER    DD  SYSOUT=*                                              
//DQLIB     PEND                                                      
//*         DQLIB                            E N D   O F   P R O C   *
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------
//*  Step Name - @01DELET - Execute  PGM - IDCAMS                    -
//*  Function  - Delete the Dataquery backup if it exists            -
//* -----------C------------------------------------------------------
//@01DELET  EXEC  PGM=IDCAMS                                          
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                               
//SYSIN     DD *,SYMBOLS=(JCLONLY)                                    
 DELETE &DQBKP  SCRATCH                                               
 SET MAXCC=0                                                          
//@01IF     IF @01DELET.RC = 0 THEN                                   
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------
//*  Step Name - @02BAKUP - Execute PROC - DQLIB                     -
//*  Function  - Backup the "From" user's Queries                    -
//* -----------C------------------------------------------------------
//@02BAKUP  EXEC PROC=DQLIB,REGION=4M                                 
//DQBKPFIL  DD DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),DSN=&DQBKP,                       
//             &BKPSTO,                                               
//             &BKPSPC                                                
//SYSIN     DD *,SYMBOLS=(JCLONLY)                                    
SIGN/ON &DQLOGIN PASSWORD &DQPASS                                     
//@02IF     IF @02BAKUP.DQLIBRMT.RC = 0 THEN                          
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------
//*  Step Name - @03REMOV - Execute PROC - DQLIB                     -
//*  Function  - Remove all queries for the "From" user              -
//* -----------C------------------------------------------------------
//@03REMOV  EXEC PROC=DQLIB,REGION=4M                                 
//SYSIN     DD *,SYMBOLS=(JCLONLY)                                    
SIGN/ON &DQLOGIN PASSWORD &DQPASS                                     
REMOVE    NAME=&NAMEF,TYPE=QUERY                                      
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------
//*  Step Name - @04RESTR - Execute PROC - DQLIB                     -
//*  Function  - Restore backed up queries to the "To" user          -
//*            - Produce directory of members for both users         -
//* -----------C------------------------------------------------------
//@04RESTR  EXEC PROC=DQLIB,REGION=4M                                 
//DQRSTFIL  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&DQBKP                                    
//SYSIN     DD *,SYMBOLS=(JCLONLY)                                    
SIGN/ON &DQLOGIN PASSWORD &DQPASS                                     
RESTORE   NAME=&NAMET,STATUS=&RSSTAT                                  
REPORT    TITLE=DIRECTORY                                             
USER      NAME=&NAMEF                                                 
USER      NAME=&NAMET                                                 
//* ------------------------------------------------------------------
//@02END    ENDIF                                                     
//@01END    ENDIF                                                     

Additional Information

For more information about Dataquery Library Management, please review the documentation webpage titled "Managing Your Query Library Table" and specifically, the section on that page titled "Performing Query Table Maintenance (DQLIBRMT)."

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.


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