Find and fix all Schedules that have a missing "Reschedule from date" value. The affected schedule is generally provided within the RmiServer error message.
The following sql can be run to easily find all schedules which has a missing "Reschedule from date" value:
select aw_job_seq, aw_sch_name from aw_module_sched where aw_sch_units in ('-1','-2') and aw_sch_frm_date is NULL;
Additionally, while we recommend manually updating schedules from the Java Web Client, the following sql can be used to set affected schedules' "Reschedule from date" value to the "Scheduled start date" value of each schedule:
update aw_module_sched set aw_sch_frm_date=aw_sch_start where aw_job_seq in (select so_job_seq from so_job_table) and aw_sch_units in (-1, -2) and aw_sch_frm_date is NULL;
Please refer to the DBA when before running any update statements.