How do we format or structure in copybook format the DFHEIB fields when viewing a transaction dump captured by CA SymDump for CICS?
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How do we format or structure in copybook format the DFHEIB fields when viewing a transaction dump captured by CA SymDump for CICS?


Article ID: 9779


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SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch


When viewing a transaction dump captured by CA SymDump for CICS the DFHEIB control block is not displayed in copybook or structure format. The data is displayed on an unformatted CORE display. Below is the structured format.

Starting at Address =  1010D0  Disp          HEXADECIMAL                                      CHARACTER

DFHEIBLK                          0 |                                         |

EIBTIME                           0 |             0080122C                    | ....

EIBDATE                           4 |             0111263F                    | ....


EIBTRNID                          8 |             C4C5C3F2                    | DEC2

How can I display the contents of the DFHEIB control block in copybook structure format? 




In order for CA SymDump for CICS to display the CICS control blocks in copybook or structure format the following members must be present in a PROTSYM file that is defined to your CICS region.

Each CICS level has its own unique PROTSYM member. For example

  PROTCI66    CICS   4.1

  PROTCI67    CICS   4.2
  PROTCI68    CICS   5.1
  PROTCI69    CICS   5.2
  PROTCI70    CICS   5.3    Note:  In CA Symdump CICS version 9.1  CTS 5.3 support is available

As part of the base install when you define a PROTSYM file these members are loaded into the PROTSYM file by executing JCL member CABALSYM.

In release 9.1 CABALSYM  JCL is located in PDS HLQ.CABAJCL

In Version 10.0 CABALSYM JCL is located in PDS HLQ.CAVHJCL