Bind Analyzer for DB2 for z/OSSQL-Ease for DB2 for z/OSSYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OSPlan Analyzer for DB2 for z/OSSubsystem Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS
1.What is the information the below screenshot is providing?
Menu Print Tools Help CA SYSVIEW for DB2 DBP5 S22 04/19/18 14:56:58 19.0 AXEDB2K5 CSCSXK 1 Summary 2 Detail
2. Pleasse provide JCL to get SQL incompatibility programs list
Release: Component: CIDB
1.This request (INCOMPTD) provides a trace of SQL executed by statement ID. It lists the plan, package collection, program name, SQL statement information and the reason the SQL statement is affected. This trace record is written once for each unique dynamic and static statement. From this display you can use the T line command to retrieve the SQL statement text, or use the E line command to view Explain data (static SQL only). Example of use: Determine the programs and SQL statements that are affected so that they can be modified to work with the new DB2 behavior.
2. See IDB2 batch report in HGHLVL.CDBATREQ(BTRECTRC) with your SMF data as input. This report will provide information pertaining ifcid376 (APPL-SQL-INCOMPAT) along with more more detail.