The secondary Spectrum Archive Manager "Lost connection to MySQL server during query" error.
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The secondary Spectrum Archive Manager "Lost connection to MySQL server during query" error.


Article ID: 97681


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CA Spectrum


The secondary Spectrum Archive Manager "Lost connection to MySQL server during query" error.

Following message appeared in $SPECROOT/SS?DDM/ARCHMGR.OUT file on the secondary system:

ERROR TRACE at doSqlQuery/mysql_query: Failure executing query:
UPDATE landscape SET ft_event_sync_time = 1524467174 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query


Spectrum: Any


Too many events are generated. Running the mysql command "show table status" shows a large number of rows in the event table.


Do the following on both the primary SpectroSERVER systems:
1. Shutdown the Archive Manger gracefully
2. Shutdown the mysql process:
    a. On Windows, stop the "SPECTRUM MYSQL Database Server" service
    b. On Linux, execute the following command from the $SPECROOT/bin directory where <HOSTNAME> is the hostname of the system and <PID> is the process id of the mysql process:
./cmdC <HOSTNAME> 2 <PID>
3. Add following two parameters to the $SPECROOT/mysql/my-spectrum.cnf file to increase the read and write timeout values:


4. Start the mysql process:
    a. On Windows, start the "SPECTRUM MYSQL Database Server" service
    b. On Linux, execute the following command where <HOSTNAME> is the hostname of the system:
./launchinstdbapp <HOSTNAME> MYSQL y MYSQL.OUT 

Additional Information

It is recommended to examine the events being logged to determine if there is an issue with a device or group of devices logging excessive events.