A client is running CA Symdump CICS r 10 and is upgrading CICS from 4.2 to 5.4. When the client selects a dump for viewing they receive message CAIN3477.
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A client is running CA Symdump CICS r 10 and is upgrading CICS from 4.2 to 5.4. When the client selects a dump for viewing they receive message CAIN3477.


Article ID: 97658


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SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch


The client is running CA Symdump CICS r 10 and just upgraded from CICS 4.2 to 5.4. The client is using the existing PROTDMP file from CICS 4.2. When the client views a dump in the PROTDMP repository in CICS 5.4 they receive message CAIN3477 Invalid - a C67  dump cannot be viewed from a C71 region.

How do I view dumps captured under CICS 4.2 that are stored in the PROTDMP file when running under CICS 5.4?  Do most shops just create a new PROTDMP file for CICS 5.4?




Some sites create a new set of  PROTDMP repositories for CICS 5.4. They keep the older PROTDMP repository files from CICS 4.2 and define them to a CICS 4.2  CA Symdump CICS Viewing Region until all the 4.2 dumps have been read and deleted by the programming staff.
For example you have five CICS 4.2 PROTDMP repositories. You would create five FCT entries one for each CICS 4.2 PROTDMP file. You can call these FCT entries PROTD1, PROTD2, PROTD3, PROTD4 and PROTD5. Then you would use one of your CICS 4.2 regions as a viewing region and point to these five PROTDMP files.
The programmers would sign on to the CICS 4.2 viewing region and use the Symdump CICS SYMD transaction to view the appropriate PROTDMP file PROTD1 through PROTD5. Once all the CICS 4.2 dumps have been read and deleted the CICS 4.2 viewing region is no longer necessary.
Some sites use the viewing region method when programmers look at production dumps. Some sites do not allow programmers to sign on to critical production regions to view dumps. Instead a Symdump CICS viewing region is use to review production dumps.
This method is discussed in at the following link topic How You Analyze Production Dumps from Your Test Regions.