Please read the XCOM for Linux PC Release 11.6 SP01 cover letter for an overview of this upgrade.
Installation of CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux PC X64 requires both of the following:
Here are the steps to download r11.6 SP01:
• Login to BROADCOM Support• Go to Download Center -> Download Products
• From “Select Product” dropdown, Select Product Name. (ex: XCOM Data Transport for Linux PC - LINUX -ALL)
• Select r11.6 from “Select Release” dropdown.
• Select SP01 from “Choose Gen level” dropdown and click on GO.
• Download ISO image for CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux PC r11.6 SP01 - Product Package DVD10172026E.iso
Here is the Overview for the XCOM for Linux PC 11.6 SP01 upgrade from XCOM for Linux PC 11.6 SP00:
When you run the installation program to upgrade the product, the program performs the following tasks:
Go to our docops site for more in depth about the Upgrade from release 11.6 and a video.
If you are currently using XCOM r11.5, you can refer to this documentation Upgrade from Release 11.5 for details on how to upgrade to r11.6 SP01.
If you are not registered on our site,, please follow these steps to register:
NOTE: At the time this tech doc was originally written, XCOM for Unix 11.6 SP01 (AIX, etc.) was not available yet, but became available on 2/7/2017.