CA Plex: ODBC table creates without labels or descriptions
Article ID: 97584
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CA Plex
When generating a DDS table, it has all the field labels and table descriptions. When generating an odbc sql table, it does not. How can the odbc sql table be genrated to include labels and descriptions?
Database labels generation is only available for System-I variant - table/view generations. This gives the option of creating System-I physical and logical files with meaningful column headings, instead of headings based on the implementation name of the field or attribute objects concerned.
Please refer Plex help topic – ‘Generating Database Labels (System i only)’
To generate meaningful name with other variants in this regard, enable --- Generate & Build options -) Name Allocation –) ‘Long implementation names for SQL schema’ option. This name allocation will be applied for new object’s name, once you have enabled the option - ‘Long implementation names for SQL schema’. Long implementation names are derived from the scoped name of the corresponding CA Plex object. For example, the object "Customer.Table" would be allocated the name CUSTOMER_TABLE.