How to: Forward PAM's syslog to Splunk for data analytics
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How to: Forward PAM's syslog to Splunk for data analytics


Article ID: 97550


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CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


How do I forward PAM's syslog messages to Splunk?

IT Department has a business requirement to forward its syslog to Splunk to do data analytics.  


PAM 3.x, 4.x


Here are the complete steps for both Splunk and PAM:

  1. Splunk Server:

Run the following command:

/opt/splunk/bin/splunk add udp 516 -sourcetype syslog 

Note: you will be prompted for you admin credentials 

  1. PAM Server: 

PAM UI -> Please go into "Configuration" >> Logs >> Syslog 

Here configure the "Hostname or IP Address" and the port as 516 (or the port# you configured above).

Then click update. 

  1. Force some logging updates to be forwarded:

 Example: Please log out and log back in. 

To verify that the messages were forwarded -> In Splunk Home Page >> Click "Search & Reporting" >> "Data Summary" >> Here you should see the PAM hostname listed here and messages coming from PAM.