After upgrading our SpectroSERVER we found that the SDNotifer fails to start. When we try to launch it by clicking on the $SPECROOT/Notifier/sd_notifier/SDNotifier.exe we receive an error stating "The application was unable to start correctly". If we try launching it from processd, we notice it looks as if it was started, but immediately fails without any indication of why.
As a Best Practice, anytime you upgrade a SpectroSERVER running the SDNotifier, you should replace the existing $SPECROOT/Notifier/sd_notifier/SDNotifier.exe (SDNotifier binary for Linux/Solaris) with a copy of the current $SPECROOT/Notifier/AlarmNotifier.exe (AlarmNotifier binary for Linux/Solaris).
The reason for this is because Spectrum does not ship with a predefined SDNotifer executable, and therefore the SDNotifier component is not upgraded during the Spectrum installation.
As part of the Service Desk Integration for Spectrum, if you choose to use "Spectrum Alarm Notification Manager" (SANM), you must:
1. Make a copy of the $SPECROOT/Notifier/AlarmNotifier executable shipped with Spectrum.
2. Place the copy of AlarmNotifier in the $SPECROOT/Notifier/sd_notifier directory.
3. Rename it to "SDNotifier.exe" (for Windows), or "SDNotifier" (for Linux/Solaris).
Therefore anytime Spectrum is upgraded, you should repeat the above integration steps to ensure you are launching a compatible release of SDNotifier.
For more information see the "CA Service Desk and CA Spectrum Integration" guide - "Configuring the AlarmNotifier Integration Component for CA Service Desk Manager".