Scheduling a Cyclic Job
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Scheduling a Cyclic Job


Article ID: 97333


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DSERIES- SERVER CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries)


Scheduling a cyclic job with dependency to a secondary job.

Need to schedule a cyclic job with a dependency to a secondary job. The first job takes about 5 minutes to run and the second one about 1 minute, I need the cycle to kick off again 30 minutes after the initiation of the first job, so basically run every 30 minutes.


CA Workload Automation DE


1. Use a 'Link' job at the end of the application that is, as a successor job to the second job.

2. In Define perspective -> Time Dependencies, setup the 'Link' job with a "Delay submission when eligible by" time of 30 minutes.

3. Use the following JavaScript script at job run time in the Link job (In Define perspective -> JavaScripts -> At job run time)


4. Trigger the Event to run the Application for the first time only.

When the Event triggered the Application, the last job (Link job) will run the execTrigger command to re-trigger the Event in 30 minutes so the cycle will kick off again every 30 minutes.

Additional Information

Scheduling a cyclic Application