These are instructions on how to configure logging and debugging JCS connection attempts. Normally, every connection attempt produces a blank file called "<EndpointType>_jcs_conn_<hostname>.log"
1. Stop JBoss Service and the JCS (CA Identity Manager - Connector Server) Service.
2. Navigate to this directory: C:\Program Files\CA\AccessControlServer\Connector Server\conf
3. Open in a text editor.
4. Locate the token: "log4j.category.jcs_conn="
5. Modify the value from "OFF" to "DEBUG".
6. Start the JCS Service and JBoss again.
Once JBoss loads, perform the PUPM activity to be logged. Once JCS attempts the connection, a new logfile will be created in "Connector Server\logs". It will be named: <EndpointType>_jcs_conn_<hostname>.log