CA Disk support of the EMC DLm VTL
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CA Disk support of the EMC DLm VTL


Article ID: 9723


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CA Disk PTF RO78009 adds support for EMC DLm [Disk Library for mainframe] VTL'S.
The DLm allows emulation of 3480, 3490 and 3590 tape devices.  
Volume sizes can be defined as large as 32 terabytes in size.  

Using new DLM material with Ca Disk.


z/OS and DLM


CA Disk can support up to 4 different cartridge capacities in the EMC DLm VTL.

The following Sysparm provides this support:



Defines the cartridge size(s) being used in your shop. 

Specify x as a 1 character value starting with 1 in sequence with a maximum of 4, to define a cartridge to be used. 

The nnnnnnnn is the numeric value and yy is the type value where MB is megabytes, GB is gigabytes and TB is terabytes. If you do not specify a value for yy, GB is the default.

These values must match your DLM volume size definition. This SYSPARM is required for the cartridge(s) defined in your DLM volume size definition.


Example for a shop using a single cartridge size of 200GB:

DLMVSIZ100200 (pseudo device type would be D3481, D3491 or D3591)


Examples for a shop using multiple cartridges with sizes of 220GB and 300GB:

DLMVSIZ100220 (pseudo device type would be D3481, D3491 or D3591)

DLMVSIZ200300 (pseudo device type would be D3482, D3492 or D3592)


Examples for a shop using multiple cartridges with sizes of 10GB, 800MB, 32TB and 500GB:

DLMVSIZ100000010GB (pseudo device type would be D3481, D3491 or D3591)

DLMVSIZ200000800MB (pseudo device type would be D3482, D3492 or D3592)

DLMVSIZ300000032TB (pseudo device type would be D3483, D3493 or D3593)

DLMVSIZ400000500GB (pseudo device type would be D3484, D3494 or D3594)


Additional Information:



Changing the size of the same DLMVSIZx Sysparm from one value to another should not be done without considering existing ARCHVOL records.  


For example, if DLMVSIZ2 has been defined as 280GB, changing this value to 300GB could cause problems for any existing ARCHVOL record(s) that used that value.  

It would be safer to define a new Sysparm with the desired size.  


In this example, defining DLMVSIZ3 with a value of 300GB would be the safest thing to do. To verify if a DLMVSIZx Sysparm is in use, a second line has been added to the LISTV report showing the applicable Sysparm.


How to use it in your Ca Disk JCL:

For EMC DLm, code the following as Sysparms override in your JCL, notice that DYNn need to be a new number for DLm following the actual numbers used:  


 ARC0TYPEDYNn where n is the defined value for DLm and should be upper to existing DYNnUNIT defined already.


 DYNnUNITDxxxx where xxxxx is the DLm unit name define in your HCD.   Notice that for Simulation run you will have to use one of the following values starting with a "D"


The following table has been added to support the UNITD values in CA Disk: 


Value  Device Simulated  Capacity

D3481  (EMC DLM VTE)  3480Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ1

D3491  (EMC DLM VTE)  3490Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ1

D3591  (EMC DLM VTE)  3590Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ1

D3482  (EMC DLM VTE)  3480Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ2

D3492  (EMC DLM VTE)  3490Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ2

D3592  (EMC DLM VTE)  3590Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ2

D3483  (EMC DLM VTE)  3480Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ3

D3493  (EMC DLM VTE)  3490Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ3

D3593  (EMC DLM VTE)  3590Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ3

D3484  (EMC DLM VTE)  3480Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ4

D3494  (EMC DLM VTE)  3490Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ4

D3594  (EMC DLM VTE)  3590Based on SYSPARM DLMVSIZ4

D348D  (EMC DLM VTE)  348040GB

D349D  (EMC DLM VTE)  349040GB


D359D  (EMC DLM VTE)  359040GB

Additional Information

The way CA Disk works to get the corresponding DLMVSIZ definition is based on the MESN I/O command which provides us the information for selecting the correct DLMVSIZ you have setup and determine the tape size occupancy.

In case, the DLMVSIZ do not match the DLM definition then we will switch to the default size of 40GB.

So, if you notice the use of 40GB instead of the value you would like, you need to double check what is exactly defined in DLM and compare with Ca Disk sysparm DLMVSIZ settings.

If all is correct, then you need to open a case for us to review. 

If you have any questions, please contact CA Technical Support.