Process Automation - managementconsole.timeout setting
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Process Automation - managementconsole.timeout setting


Article ID: 97171


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CA Process Automation Base


Users are getting timeout messages on the UI


Process Automation 4.3.x


The idle timeout has always been a function within CA Process Automation, however at some point in code fixes it was inadvertently disabled.
The CP02 patch for Process Automation 4.3 SP02 has now restored this functionality.

The default value for this is 30 minutes. 
If you need to change this, open the file, located in /PAM/server/c2o/.config and search for "management".

This will bring you to the setting

You can change the value to 15 and this will time out your users if they are idle in Process Automation for longer than 15 minutes and require them to log back in.
If you would like to disable this, you can set the value to zero as:


It will be required to restart the orchestrator service, and if you have multiple orchestrators, this will need to be done on all nodes.
Additionally, your users will need to clear their browser cache for changes to take affect.