Changing user password using Spectrum Control Panel
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Changing user password using Spectrum Control Panel


Article ID: 97168


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Changing user password using Spectrum Control Panel (SCP)


Release: All Supported Releases
Component: SPCCSS - SpectroSERVER Core


When you are tasked to load SSdb from other Spectrum server into a new Spectrum machine, you may not be able to login to OneClick Console as the Spectrum install owner existed in the SSdb with a different password. If you don’t know the password, you can reset the password via Spectrum Control Panel (SCP).

To reset Spectrum user password when OneClick Console is not accessible you can use Control -> Users menu on SCP. 

1. Login as Spectrum install owner user into the SpectroSERVER machine.

2. Launch SCP. On a bash shell you can go to $SPECROOT/bin directory and run
./SCP &

3. Select “Control” menu and then “Users” item.

4. “Users” dialog will appear. Select the Spectrum user and click [Set Password…] button. 

5. “Set Password” dialog will appear. Set the new password and click [OK] button. 

6. After this, you can login to OneClick Console using the new password.