This document describes how to configure a Linux box which is using the System V init scripts (e.g. RHEL 6.5) to automatically startup and shutdown the PIM daemons upon startup or shutdown of the box.
Release: ACP1M005900-12.9-Privileged Identity Manager
Component: PIM / PAMSC endpoints for Linux
1. Copy the sample init script to the init scripts directory:
# cp /opt/CA/AccessControl/samples/system.init/LINUX/S95seos /etc/rc.d/init.d/seos
2. Make the file executable
# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/seos
3. Run these commands to enable execution of the script in Runlevel 3 and 5 and confirm the setting
# chkconfig --add seos
# chkconfig --level 3 seos on
# chkconfig --level 5 seos on
# chkconfig --list | grep seos
As a sidenote, you can find out which run-level you're currently using:
# runlevel
N 5
4. It is necessary to amend the seos init script to place a relevant lock file upon startup (else the init system does not execute the stop sequence)
if [ -x ${SEOSBIN}/seload ] ; then
PrintMessageByNumber 565 $MESSAGE_CASE newLine noArgs
" loading CA ControlMinder ..."
sleep 5
${SEOSBIN}/seload > /dev/null &
touch /var/lock/subsys/seos
After doing so the K50seos scripts are triggered correctly upon system shutdown.