Top Flows by interface shows no data and "Query failed" in NetOps Portal
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Top Flows by interface shows no data and "Query failed" in NetOps Portal


Article ID: 97141


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


The Top Flows by interface view in NetOps Portal shows no data and "Query failed. See the logs for details. (Query ID: b90c5322-7aaf-439b-9163-50ff42f2945e)"


NetOps Portal


This can occur if there is too much data in the reporter.interfaceflows table on the NFA console server.  
By default NFA keeps 1 month's worth of data, but this is often too much in high volume environments.


You can reduce the amount of data retained to 1 week, following the steps below:

1. Log in the NFA Console Server, open a command prompt and run:

mysql -unetqos -pnetqos reporter 

2. Then run the following 

update parameter_descriptions set defaultvalue='1w' where parameter='FlowInfoLimit'; 

3. Then recycle the CA Mysql service on the NFA Console server and wait a few minutes then try the same view again.