igateway and dxserver status shows stopped in eiam-clustersetup.jar console
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igateway and dxserver status shows stopped in eiam-clustersetup.jar console


Article ID: 97086


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


The igateway, dxserver services are running and the Embedded Entitlements Manager portal is accessible through browser.
However, while the Multi-Write setup services [igateway and dxserver] status returns as stopped. 
# java -jar eiam-clustersetup.jar
May 18, 2018 1:14:15 PM IclUtil itechLibInit
INFO: iTechSDK initialized successfully
INFO  - EIAM_HOME [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager/]
INFO  - IGW_LOC [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology/]
INFO  - DXHOME [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/]
INFO  - Hostname identified as [eemprimary-hostfqdn.com]
INFO  - Failover tool is running on primary server
INFO  - Checking server status
INFO  - igateway status      [stopped]
INFO  - dxserver status      [stopped]

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CA Embedded Entitlements Manager 12.51
CA Embedded Entitlements Manager 12.6


It is recommended to use the FQDN for hostname always.
This problem may appear if the igateway is configured with shortname or IP address of the host whereas, the dxserver pointed to fully qualified domain name (FQDN). 
The hostname must be uniform throughout the environment.


Stop the dxserver and igateway services.
  Non-Windows operating systems: 
# /etc/init.d/igatewayd stop

Terminating iGateway.
iGateway Terminated !

# /etc/init.d/dxserver stop

Stopping DXservers ...
Stopping the DXadmin daemon


  Windows operating systems: 

C:\>net stop igateway

The CA iTechnology iGateway 4.7 service is stopping..
The CA iTechnology iGateway 4.7 service was stopped successfully.

C:\>dxserver stop all

itechpoz started
itechpoz stopping
itechpoz stopped


Update the FQDN name for the host under the fields listed in each file. Take a backup of the file before making any changes.  

1. file server.xml: 

Path in non-windows Operating Systems: $EIAM_HOME/config/server/server.xml
Path in windows Operating Systems:%EIAM_HOME%/config/server/server.xml

<hosts primary="eemprimary-hostfqdn.com">
<host id="eemprimary-hostfqdn.com">


2. file  itechpoz.dxc:

Path in non-windows Operating Systems: $DXHOME/config/knowledge/itechpoz.dxc
Path in windows Operating Systems: %DXHOME%/config/knowledge/itechpoz.dxc

dsa-name     = <cn iTechPoz><cn PozDsa><cn "eemprimary-hostfqdn.com">
address      = ipv4 "eemprimary-hostfqdn.com" port 509


3. file iPoz.conf: 

Path in non-windows Operating Systems: $IGW_LOC/iPoz.conf 
Path in windows Operating Systems: %IGW_LOC%/iPoz.conf



4. file iControl.conf: 

File location in windows Operating Systems: $IGW_LOC/iControl.conf
File location in windows Operating Systems: %IGW_LOC%/iControl.conf

<TrustedKey host="eemprimary-hostfqdn.com" name="eemprimary-hostfqdn.com">

Start the services.
  Non-Windows operating systems:

# /etc/init.d/dxserver start
    Starting DXservers: itechpoz ...
# /etc/init.d/igatewayd start
    starting igateway

  Windows operating systems: 

C:\>dxserver start all

itechpoz stopped
itechpoz starting
itechpoz started

C:\>net start igateway

The CA iTechnology iGateway 4.7 service is starting..
The CA iTechnology iGateway 4.7 service was started successfully.


Execute the eiam-clustersetup.jar utility.

# java -jar eiam-clustersetup.jar

May 18, 2018 1:24:15 PM IclUtil itechLibInit
INFO: iTechSDK initialized successfully
INFO  - EIAM_HOME [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager/]
INFO  - IGW_LOC [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology/]
INFO  - DXHOME [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/]
INFO  - Hostname identified as [eemprimary-hostfqdn.com]
INFO  - Failover tool is running on primary server
INFO  - Checking server status
INFO  - igateway status      [started]
INFO  - dxserver status      [started]

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