Stop the dxserver and igateway services.
Non-Windows operating systems:
# /etc/init.d/igatewayd stop
Terminating iGateway.
iGateway Terminated !
# /etc/init.d/dxserver stop
Stopping DXservers ...
Stopping the DXadmin daemon
Windows operating systems:
C:\>net stop igateway
The CA iTechnology iGateway 4.7 service is stopping..
The CA iTechnology iGateway 4.7 service was stopped successfully.
C:\>dxserver stop all
itechpoz started
itechpoz stopping
itechpoz stopped
Update the FQDN name for the host under the fields listed in each file. Take a backup of the file before making any changes.
1. file server.xml:
Path in non-windows Operating Systems: $EIAM_HOME/config/server/server.xml
Path in windows Operating Systems:%EIAM_HOME%/config/server/server.xml
<hosts primary="">
<host id="">
2. file itechpoz.dxc:
Path in non-windows Operating Systems: $DXHOME/config/knowledge/itechpoz.dxc
Path in windows Operating Systems: %DXHOME%/config/knowledge/itechpoz.dxc
dsa-name = <cn iTechPoz><cn PozDsa><cn "">
address = ipv4 "" port 509
3. file iPoz.conf:
Path in non-windows Operating Systems: $IGW_LOC/iPoz.conf
Path in windows Operating Systems: %IGW_LOC%/iPoz.conf
4. file iControl.conf:
File location in windows Operating Systems: $IGW_LOC/iControl.conf
File location in windows Operating Systems: %IGW_LOC%/iControl.conf
<TrustedKey host="" name="">
Start the services.
Non-Windows operating systems:
# /etc/init.d/dxserver start
Starting DXservers: itechpoz ...
# /etc/init.d/igatewayd start
starting igateway
Windows operating systems:
C:\>dxserver start all
itechpoz stopped
itechpoz starting
itechpoz started
C:\>net start igateway
The CA iTechnology iGateway 4.7 service is starting..
The CA iTechnology iGateway 4.7 service was started successfully.
Execute the eiam-clustersetup.jar utility.
# java -jar eiam-clustersetup.jar
May 18, 2018 1:24:15 PM IclUtil itechLibInit
INFO: iTechSDK initialized successfully
INFO - EIAM_HOME [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager/]
INFO - IGW_LOC [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology/]
INFO - DXHOME [/opt/CA/SharedComponents/CADirectory/dxserver/]
INFO - Hostname identified as []
INFO - Failover tool is running on primary server
INFO - Checking server status
INFO - igateway status [started]
INFO - dxserver status [started]
Are you sure you want to continue? [Y/N]: