How to add an Area on Dollar Universe Node
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How to add an Area on Dollar Universe Node


Article ID: 97078


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


The goal of this article is to explain the procedure to add an Area on Dollar Universe nodes via the command line for Windows and Unix/Linux Platforms.



 Windows and Unix/Linux Platforms.


Procedure on Windows:

1 - Connect to the node server and load the environment 
-> command : unienv.bat

2 - Stop the node 
-> command : %UNI_DIR_EXEC%\unistop.bat

3 - Add the desired Area via the command unims.
For example, for adding area S to the node:
-> command : %UNI_DIR_EXEC%\unims.bat -update -AreaS

Please find the different variables below : 
-update : update node information with UVMS
                   -areaI               : enable area I
                   -areaA               : enable area A
                   -areaS               : enable area S

4 - Restart the node 
-> command : %UNI_DIR_EXEC%\unistart.bat

Procedure on Linux Platform:

1 - Connect to the node server and load the environment 
-> command : . ./unienv.ksh

2 - Stop the node 
-> command : $UNI_DIR_EXEC/unistop

3 - In this example the customer wants to add the Area S to his node:
-> command : $UNI_DIR_EXEC/unims -update -AreaS

Please find the differents variables below : 
-update : update node information with UVMS
                   -areaI               : enable area I
                   -areaA               : enable area A
                   -areaS               : enable area S

4 - Restart the node 
-> command : $UNI_DIR_EXEC/unistart

Additional Information