Client Automation - How to add OSIM images to a boot server running on a remote scalability server
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Client Automation - How to add OSIM images to a boot server running on a remote scalability server


Article ID: 9703


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CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


When setting up an Operating System Installation Management (OSIM) environment it will very likely be required to configure remote scalability servers as boot servers.

Once the Boot and OS Images have been created and registered on the Domain Manager (DM) they then need to be distributed to the Scalability Servers (SS).

This document describes the procedure for distributing the images.


Client Automation - All versions


During the registration of your images you are asked if you wish to create a software package

This package is used to deploy the image to the Scalbility server.

Simply deploy the package to your scalability server via software delivery and the image will be added to your boot server.

There is no need to stage the package into the scalability servers software library and in fact this would just be a waste of space.

The boot server stores its image in a totally different location to software delivery.