User trying to promote code from TSDEV to TSUNIT environment and is facing an issue compiling 1 program due to use of QTEMP in the program. 1600- PGM PARM(&MOD) 1700- DCL VAR(&MOD) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) 1800- DCLF FILE(QTEMP/TK_DSPOBJL) * CPD0852 30 File TK_DSPOBJL in library QTEMP not found.
IBM Iseries AS400
the error is happening as the objects do not exist in the library list.
As the error is happening as the objects do not exist in the library list. So in this case, for Implementer to be able to promote the object, you need to create the file TK_DSPOBJL in one of the libraries present in your library list and NOT in QTEMP. Since that is just a runtime object, in order to save space, maybe you can clear the file towards the end of processing, That way the library exists in one of the libraries on the library list, the compilation and promotion goes through fine and the space is also saved, since the file is cleared towards the end of processing.