Import Test Case Steps via Excel Add-in
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Import Test Case Steps via Excel Add-in


Article ID: 9695


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Import Test Case Steps via Excel Add-in


While one cannot import Test Case Steps via the UI, it can be done by using the CA Agile Central Add-in for Excel.

How can I import Test Case Steps into CA Agile Central?

While one cannot import Test Case Steps via the UI, it can be done by using the CA Agile Central Add-in for Excel.  The instructions for use and installation can be found here: CA Agile Central Add-in for Excel (

Find the attached Test Case Steps import template to modify for Test Case Steps import. 
Once the CA Agile Central Add-in for Excel is installed, one can always click the Schema button to understand what columns are needed and a list of valid values for import.  Follow these steps:
  1. Connect to CA Agile Central from within Excel
  2. Select the Import button then the "Import to CA Agile Central" link
  3. Choose your Workspace and "Test Case Step" as the type
  4. Click on the Schema button next to the Type so that you can view the columns needed, as well as the valid values available for each column
  5. In the StepIndex field, supply a numeric value which will be used to order the steps within the test case