Can an ESP event hold a particular step in a Proc executed from within the JCL?
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Can an ESP event hold a particular step in a Proc executed from within the JCL?


Article ID: 96861


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ESP Workload Automation


How to stop a job at a certain job step.

Is there a way in CA Workload Automation ESP Edition to stop a job that has started to execute at a certain step? Then release it and let it continue to run?


Component: ESPWA


There is no way for ESP, or any other way, to stop a job in the middle of execution agter it has hit the JES2 internal reader and starts executing. My recommendation is to create two separate Procs with the steps they need. JOB1 will use the 1st proc and will release JOB2. JOB2 will use the 2nd proc and will be on hold in ESP. After they are satisfied with the JOB1 results they could release JOB2.