Two timesheets are shown in the 'Review & Approve' tab in the MUX
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Two timesheets are shown in the 'Review & Approve' tab in the MUX


Article ID: 96845


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


There's a timesheet in both the 'Open' and the 'Posted' columns for one of your users in the Review & Approve of the Modern User Experience (UI/UX/MUX). Because of that, it appears that there are two timesheets for the same time period, even though they already have a posted timesheet for the period. How can we remove that duplicate timesheet and where is it coming from? 


All supported releases


This is due to the timesheet being adjusted and not re-posted. 

  • The one in Posted status is the original (adjustment timesheet) 
  • The one in open status is the open (adjusted) timesheet


The open adjusted timesheet needs to either be deleted, or it can be processed as a normal timesheet. 

  1. Submit the timesheet
  2. Approve the timesheet
  3. Wait 5 minutes, then run the Post Timesheets job 
  4. Once it's processed, there will only be one posted timesheet.
  5. If the timesheet is moved to another status, such as submitted, approved, or returned, and not posted, then the timesheet will continue to be displayed there until it is posted for the time period or deleted.