Customization Not Working After the Upgrade
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Customization Not Working After the Upgrade


Article ID: 96762


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager ServiceDesk


The customization is not working after the migration. The migration finished well, we have the customized files in NX_ROOT\site\mods . The customized feature are not working as the prior version.


Service Desk 17.3 and up


The customized htmpl was copied as is from the old version of Service Desk.
The customization was made on the older version of htmpl. Because the default htmpl of the new version is not same to the old default htmpl


We have to identify the custom code in the old htmpl and re-apply on the new default htmpl 

To re-apply the custom code to the current default files.
- remove the customized htmpl from the site\mods tree
- Launch WSP and choose the file you want to reapply the custom code

- choose "source" tab, you will be in the editor to re apply the custom code to the current version of SDM

- once done,
choose file in menu and save
choose file in menu and publish


Additional Information

you can also consider the migration tool

Customization Upgrade Utility


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