Here is a short overview of what you need to do leading up to the installation. Prerequisites, requirements.
Background: Web Viewer 12.1 is a Java application and the same product runs on all the different platforms. So you will not see many specific platform instructions in the install Guide. Web Viewer runs on these platforms: AIX, Sun Solaris, HP/UX, HP/UX IA64, Linux PC, Linux zSeries, Windows Server, USS
Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
Apache Tomcat®
Output Management Distributed Repository Access System (DRAS)
Output Management View™ for z/OS
The LMP Key (4Q) for Web Viewer should be applied on the LPAR where DRAS is running. This will be the license server. Web Viewer 12.1 requires a different license than earlier versions of Web Viewer. It does not cost more, but still requires paperwork with your Broadcom Sales person if you are not already licensed.
If installing on Windows, the Server should have
Production Box: (this should handle up to 200 users concurrently)
4 CPU (min) – mid range or higher GHz 16 GB RAM 1 TB Hard Drive Gigabit (10/100/1000baseT) Ethernet adapter
Test Box: (this should handle up to 20 users concurrently)
2 CPU(min) – mid range or higher GHz 8 GB RAM 500 GB Hard Drive Gigabit (10/100/1000baseT) Ethernet adapter
SOFTWARE These should be preinstalled:
CA Common Services 15.0- CCISSL recommended; CCITCP will work but will not be encrypted.
View 14.0, DRAS installs at the same. If running BUNDL or Dispatch, please see the compatibility matrix below.
JAVA - A 64 bit version of Java JRE (runtime) must be preinstalled. You may also use the JDK instead of the JRE.
Database - DB2, Oracle, SLQ Server. Internal Derby is supplied during the install for testing. Not recommended for production
Application Servers: IBM WebSphere or Tomcat - supplied with Web Viewer and does not need to be preinstalled or For mainframe platforms Common Services Tomcat. If you are going to be running Tomcat as a Started Task, you should have a zIIP processor.
LDAP (only if you use LDAP)
These are included with the Web Viewer install.
Application Servers - Tomcat is supplied during the install. Use this Tomcat if you are NOT running Tomcat on z/OS as a started task.
Derby Database for testing
Download the .iso file Web Viewer 12.1 from BROADCOM Support to a PC: CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1 1409 Media Update DVD0000000001981.ISO (Web Services 2.0 is NOT needed)
Extract the .jar file from the .iso file, using a product such as winzip, "Virtual CloneDrive" or "7-zip or you may be able just right click and chose Mount.
If you are installing on Windows, you will need the CAOMWV.exe file found in the subdirectory \InstData\Windows_x64\NoVM Otherwise, FTP the CAOMWV.jar file from the \InstData\Multiplatform subdirectory to the platform where you will be installing.
While you're there, bring down the latest cumulative maintenance and the latest version of Tomcat (if you are running the embedded Tomcat) to apply after you have installed and configured the product. Scroll down to find the Tomcat maintenance.
CCITCP or CCISSL task must be running.
The DRAS license server must be running
Set the CAOMWV12_HOME variable to the directory where you are installing if you are on Linux, USS or Unix ONLY and you are choosing System level external
Have directories established, where the installation will be performed for USS and z/Linux.
The Data Base Administrator must create the empty database, if you are using an external database. The tables of the database can be created manually or automatically, although we recommend manual creation.
These DDL statements can be found under the ddl folder in your installation media or the installed directory. If DB2, please use RO71688 DB2 DDL DOES NOT WORK WITH EXPLICIT TABLESPACES to create the database tables. For each supported database type, a pair of SQL scripts is provided as follows:
If the userid for the database which will be specified in the configuration step has CREATE TABLE privileges, this database can be empty and CA OM Web Viewer automatically creates the necessary tables when it is initialized for the first time.
If the userid for the database does not have the CREATE TABLE privileges, ask your database administrator (DBA) to create tables. The tables must be created according to the Data Description Language (DDL) statements that are provided with CA OM Web Viewer.
create.sql - For creating tables in the precreated database
drop.sql - For deleting tables from the precreated database
Proceed with the configuration and Installation (see below)
Additional Information
Verify requirements with this compatibility matrix- Supportability Matrix You will need to log onto Broadcom support to see this matrix.