When I use the term tomorrow when asking for the SAD file, I get fewer jobs than when I leave the term out, why? First I used from the main Menu Point "S" Scheduled Activity If I type in From/Start ==> TODAY and TO/END ==> Tomorrow i get this Result: TOTALS: 49 JOBS 3 DID NOT HAVE STATISTICS AVAILABLE
If i type FROM/START ==> TODAY and TO/END ===> (nothing) i get this result: 104 JOBS 3 DID NOT HAVE STATISTICS AVAILABLE 0:
This is all based on how you created the SADGEN file and the criteria used. In my test file the following was the criteria. SADGEN DATASET(<data set name>) - FROM('9AM APR 13 2018') TO('9AM APR 20 2018') So when I use FROM/START ==> TODAY and TO/END ===> (nothing) I will get everything from 4/13 until 4/20. If I use From/Start ==> TODAY and TO/END ==> Tomorrow I will only get a 24hr period from 4/18.