Datamaker: How to move data from source/target DB into the Data Pool (repository DB)
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Datamaker: How to move data from source/target DB into the Data Pool (repository DB)


Article ID: 9631


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


This document enlists steps to write the data to repository from source/target database in Datamaker.


Datamaker 3.2.2 and later (either Oracle or MS SQL Server repository)
test data manager


1. Make sure the table(s) are registered at the version level of your Datapool.
2. The context is set to at the Data pool level into which the data needs to be moved into.
3. All the levels under the version level (Data set, Data Group and Data Pool) need to have the setting "Make Test Data available for external use" enabled.
This can be found under the properties page of each level.

1. Log into GTDatamaker.
2. Click the source/target SQL window button.
3. Write your query to retrieve data from your registered table and execute it to display the result.
4. Select "Change context" from the top right hand side and click on the play button.
5. Select the Data Pool into which the data needs to be written. The context is now set to the right position.
6. Now select "Write to Test Data Repository" from the top right hand side and click on the play button.
7. Click on the yes button of the next page to confirm the action.

We have now successfully moved the data from our source/target table into the repository database.



Additional Information

It is only recommended to write data to data pool if the data is small (about 20-30K records depending on record length).
If the result set is large so that it exceeds the memory limitation of 32-bit Datamaker process, the program may crash.
In such cases, an alternate approach needs to be taken depending on the use case.