How to specify different locations for the xcom.log for CA XCOM for Linux or UNIX
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How to specify different locations for the xcom.log for CA XCOM for Linux or UNIX


Article ID: 9627


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


We want to know how to have two separate xcom.log files for two separate applications. We want to monitor two log files and capture errors to alert us to any problems. With a single xcom.log all errors get logged in one log file and we can not easily separate the errors from the two different applications.

How do we enable the log files? Do we need to restart xcomd?


Release: CA XCOM Data Transport for Linux or Unix
Component: xclx86, xcurs6, xcusol,  xcuhp9


If you are sending transfers from Linux, you may specific an alternate log file on a per transfer basis. Here is the information about the parameter to set. It is set for each transfer. It goes on the command line or in the .cnf file specified for the transfer. You do not need to recycle xcomd or reset anything when you put it on the command line or in the .cnf file.


The name of the file where CA XCOM Data Transport logs activity. If you do not specify this parameter, the systemwide log file $XCOM_HOME/xcom.log is used. If you specify this parameter with a different file name, the logging information is only sent to the specified file. 

Range: 0 to 256 characters 

Default: $XCOM_HOME/xcom.log 


  • $XCOM_HOME is an environment variable.
  • If QUEUE=YES, specify the full path name. 

For incoming transfers only, if you set $XCOM_HOME/xcom.log in the xcom.glb, XCOM will redirect all log information from remotely initiated transfers to that log. Note that if you set this in xcom.glb the log entries for all incoming transfers will go there. If you change a parameter in xcom.glb you will have to stop and start the xcomd service.

Additional Information

Documentation: CA XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux - 11.6.01