SDM: How to increase the STD log size?
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SDM: How to increase the STD log size?


Article ID: 9617


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SUPPORT AUTOMATION- SERVER CA Service Desk Manager - Unified Self Service CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Sometimes, the current default stdlog size is not enough to get information related to some problems, because the turnover is very fast, due to the high detailed information collected in the logs.

In these circumstances, customer needs to increase the log size.


Service Desk Manager 12.9 / 14.1 / 17.x


To show the current log size, run the command:

pdm_logfile -L

You will get an output such as this:

C:\PROGRA~2\CA\SERVIC~1\log>pdm_logfile -L
         Logfile     ---- Cutover ----
Current: STD            30000000 Bytes
         STD            30000000 Bytes
         STD            30000000 Bytes

To increase the STD log size from 3000000 to 10000000, follow the procedure below:

1. Edit file NX.ENV and change variable NX_LOGFILE_LIMIT to 10000000.

2. Edit file ..\pdmconf\NX.ENV_NT.TPL and change the value of

NX_LOGFILE_LIMIT to 10000000. This is done to guarantee next time pdm_configure is run the new value will be maintained.

Alternatively, the following command can also be used to change the file size without doing a recycle:

pdm_logfile -b 10000000

The modification of the NX.env is advised to ensure that the log file stays at the requested file size during a recycle.

Note that, before Release 17.x is the default size is 3MB for each stdlog.
For Release 17.x, each stdlog default size changes to 30MB. So, to increase the size for 17.1, the value must be greather than 30MB.

Additional Information

For Conventional configuration, please change it in primary and secondary servers

For Advanced Availability configuration, please change it in Background, Standby and all Application servers

pdm_logfile--Change stdlog Cutover Size