How do I schedule backups for my Agile Central On-Premises appliance?
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How do I schedule backups for my Agile Central On-Premises appliance?


Article ID: 9610


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise


Schedule backups from the Backup/Restore feature in the Control Panel. 


Component: ACPREM


To schedule a backup of your Agile Central application data:

  1. In the Control Panel, click the Feature menu, then Back Up/Restore.
  2. Click the Schedule tab.
  3. Select the Daily or Weekly Backup frequency option in the How Often section.  

    Continue to configure your schedule from the related drop-down lists to set the time and the date of the backup.

  • Enter the username and password for your FTP or SFTP server.
  • Enter the URL path to the storage folder that you choose (note the example format).  
  • Click Send.

    A confirmation message returns informing you of the successful schedule. For example:  
    Daily backup has been scheduled for hour 12 AM on host:ftp://atlantis


Click the Delete this Scheduled Backup link at any time to delete the scheduled backup.

  • Click the Schedule tab again.

    The Backup Status dialog box on the right now lists the scheduled backup.