List the computers with partial/empty Software Inventory (Signature Scan)
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List the computers with partial/empty Software Inventory (Signature Scan)


Article ID: 9608


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


It's possible to create a dynamic groups containing all computers with partial of empty Software signature scan inventory. This could be useful to check why Software Inventory is not working on some machines and take direct action on them.


Client Automation - All versions.



1- In DSM GUI, create a new Query (target = Computers)
2- In "Query Designer" add (Agent Origin = 'CA')
3- If there are some machines inventoried by RVI add these arguments in order to exclude the RVI machines :
(Host name Like 'VMware ESX*')
(Host name Like 'Microsoft Hyper-v*')
(Host name Like 'IBM Server*')
Remark : Host name can be found under "General Information - Computer"
4- Add following arguments:
 and click on "Advanced Argument".
Fill the fields like this :
Pseudo Text : Software Inventory OK
Table : -Any-
Additional WHERE clause
select asset_source_uuid from ca_discovered_software where dis_source_type_id in (1,2) group by asset_source_uuid having COUNT(*)>5
Final query looks like :
Remark: Software Inventory is considered as OK when there are more than 5 items in the Software Inventory list. Change  "COUNT(*)>5" by another number if 5 is not a good number to determine a wrong Software Inventory in your environment.
 5- Save the query (ex of name : Software Inventory Not OK)
 6- Under "Computer and Users" create a new Group (ex: Software Inventory Not OK)
In Query Tab, select the query created in previous steps and select an engine for evaluation :
7- Evaluate the group.
It should be filled with machines which have empty or incorrect (less than 5 items) under Software inventory (signature scan).
8- It is possible to force a full Software Inventory collect on these machines. Select all machines in the group and right click on the selection. In menu select "Asset Jobs - Activate Job Check..."
 Select "Rescan Software Inventory" and "Re-collect" in order to force a full Software Inventory collect.