This situation can occur when you have changed your database password and your UVMS is stopped and cannot be started anymore as it contains a wrong Database Password.
Knowing the new password of the Database User which UVMS uses to connect to Oracle or MS SQL Server.
Backuping the values.xml file of the UVMS
First of all, the login and password can only contain the following characters:
1/ Launch the command uniencryptpwd (available in folder <uvms_folder>/app/bin ) with the new password and an output file where it will be encoded.
Usage: uniencryptpwd PASSWORD PWDFILE
Example in Linux:
./uniencryptpwd new_db_password crypted_password_file (in folder app/bin on your UVMS)
UniViewer Management Server encoder procedure for login password generated in crypted_password_file
The password new_db_password will be encrypted in the text file called crypted_password_file
2 / Retrieve the encoded password from the "crypted_password_file" and replace the current value in the values.xml by the new one in the variable JDBC_PASSWORD and restart your UVMS.
[root@vmstlce7 bin]# grep PASS ../../data/values.xml
<var id="JDBC_PASSWORD">Paste_the_content_from_crypted_password_file</var>
In case the Database Password needs to be changed, we suggest to perform the modification via UVC directly before stopping the UVMS.
In order to do so, go to UVMS Node settings - Database Settings and update the "Database Login Password" value.
Save and Close and restart the UVMS.