CAF start after standby mode
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CAF start after standby mode


Article ID: 95953


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CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Remote Control CA Client Automation - Asset Intelligence CA Client Automation - Desktop Migration Manager CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


Notebook/Tablets moved to standby/hibernate mode regardless of SD or AM job activity.
Once they get activated, caf is not correctly started or SD and AM jobs are not processed or AM inventory is not gathered.

To clear this situation, CAF needs to be restarted or a reboot of the agent is necessary

How to start CAF after getting out of standby/hibernate mode?


ITCM 14 SP2, but may happen on other versions too


In the Default Computer Policy under
DSM > Common Components > CAF > General > Postpone CAF power actions
set both values to "True"

CAF Plugin: Software Delivery agent
CAF Plugin: Asset Managment agent