9.2.x or below:
There is an issue with the connection from the user's PC to the master
9.3.x or above:
Apache service may be stopped
Correct any connection issues by enabling client debug and reviewing the Java console logs created during Java Web Client startup process.
Possible connection issues can occur for the following reasons:
9.2.x or below:
9.3.x or above:
Client debug can be enabled by following the below procedures:
9.2.x or below:
1. Edit the $AW_HOME/web/Client.jnlp or %AW_HOME%\web\Client.jnlp (Windows OS). Change the below line and save.
<property name="jnlp.appworx.debug" value="false"/>
<property name="jnlp.appworx.debug" value="true"/>
2. Open Java control Panel > Select Advanced Tab > Enable tracing, logging, and show console options > Apply.
3. Clear Java cache from from Java Control Panel by selecting > General Tab > Temporary Internet Files Settings > Delete Files > Check all available options > Select OK.
4. Launch New Java Web Client session from Web Browser. A Java console windows should appear and provide additional debug information regarding the Java Web Client session.
9.3.x or above:
Debug information can be found in the online documentation topic Opening the Applications Manager Client and Logging In