How to print any CA TPX SMRT, not only the current one.
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How to print any CA TPX SMRT, not only the current one.


Article ID: 9590


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


If you need to get an overview of all SMRT settings then you can use the ACL SMRTPRT, which we deliver in ‘hlq.CB0VSCRI’. This ACL goes through the SMRT panels and ‘prints’ them into the TPX LOG. From there you can review/copy them. But this ACL only selects the currently used SMRT, indicated by the string “STARTUP” in the “TPX System Options Table List”.

What can be done if you want to “print” one of the other SMRT’s? 


Release: NVINAM00200-5.4-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package


If you want to “print” one of the other SMRT’s, here is one method that requires only one change in that ACL SMRTPRT:


First, you need to access the list of SMRT’s in TPXADMIN, option 2, then option 1:



                  TPX System Options Table List             


    Command ===>                                            


     System Options                                         

     Table                Last updated by   Userid          

     SMRTACF              02/03/15 04:52:59 USER01         

     SMRTBACK             05/20/16 04:52:59 USER01         

     SMRTTEST             11/25/14 07:53:19 USER01   STARTUP

     SMRTXA               07/29/17 06:14:40 TPXADMIN        

     SYSAPROD             07/29/13 06:14:53 TPXADMIN        

     SYSATEST             07/29/13 06:15:08 TPXADMIN        

     SYSBTEST             07/29/13 06:15:24 TPXADMIN        

    *********************** BOTTOM OF DATA ******************


If your desired SMRT is located above the currently used SMRT, then remember the number of lines you have to go up from the current one. (Example: You want to print SMRTACF, then you need to go up two lines from the current SMRT SMRTTEST).


If your desired SMRT is located below  the currently used SMRT, then remember the number of lines you have to go down from the current one. (Example: You want to print SYSATEST, then you need to go down three lines from the current SMRT SMRTTEST).


Now create a copy of the ACL SMRTPRT and locate this block in the ACL:


SELSTRT    WAIT      1              * Waits for screen         

           SET       CURSOR,'&LOC'  * Places cursor at 'STARTUP'

           TABB      1              * Tabs back to option table

           KEY       'S'            * Selects that option table

           ENTER                    * Sends the selection       


Behind the command “TABB   1” insert a new line and put command “UP   2” or “DOWN   3” there:


SELSTRT    WAIT      1              * Waits for screen         

           SET       CURSOR,'&LOC'  * Places cursor at 'STARTUP'

           TABB      1              * Tabs back to option table

           DOWN      3              * Go down to desired SMRT

           KEY       'S'            * Selects that option table

           ENTER                    * Sends the selection       


Reload this new ACL and execute it from the TPXADMIN Main menu: You will find that SMRT printed in the TPXLOG!