When running the MSMSeup shell script the job completion is never acknowledged.
Here is the script, followed by the completed job in the SDSF queue.
MSMI0600I: The CA CSM installer is waiting for completion of CSMN6001(JOB07976) MSMI0600I: The CA CSM installer is waiting for completion of CSMN6001 SMI0599I: CSMN6001 is still executing or waiting for execution
Do you want to continue (Y/N): CSMN6001 JOB07976 JHNJOB1 1 PRINT X 787
Any supported z/OS.
The JESINTERFACELEVEL was not set to '2'.
You can either set the JES2 setting JESINTERFACELEVEL to '2' which allows FTP to the JES2 spool. OR
You can set the submission mode in the MSMSetup.Options.properties.file to 'TSO' which will write the JCL to the SAMPJCL library to be manually submitted.