Why did the Data Repository shut down
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Why did the Data Repository shut down


Article ID: 95853


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


Why did the Data Repository shut down


CA Performance Management - all versions


The Data Repository Nodes will shut down if there are network issues preventing cluster communication

In the <catalog/>/v_drdata_node000#_catalog/vertica.log file look for an entry similar to the following:

2018-05-03 01:09:42.942 Spread Client:7fd7535fe700 [Comms] <INFO> Saw transitional message; watch for lost daemons
2018-05-03 01:09:42.942 Spread Client:7fd7535fe700 [Comms] <INFO> Saw membership message 6144 (0x1800) on V:drdata
2018-05-03 01:09:42.942 Spread Client:7fd7535fe700 [Comms] <INFO> NETWORK change with 1 VS sets
2018-05-03 01:09:42.942 Spread Client:7fd7535fe700 [Comms] <INFO> VS set #0 (mine) has 1 members (offset=36)
2018-05-03 01:09:42.942 Spread Client:7fd7535fe700 [Comms] <INFO> VS set #0, member 0: #node_b#N010255247080
2018-05-03 01:09:42.942 Spread Client:7fd7535fe700 [Comms] <INFO> DB Group changed

This indicates network issues preventing cluster communication with another node which can lead to the database shutting down