How to monitor a server's local time against the NTP time source
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How to monitor a server's local time against the NTP time source


Article ID: 95824


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Is it possible to monitor a server's local time against the NTP time source to see if there is any time drift? We would like to be able to send an alarm when the difference in the local time and the NTP server s more than 5 minutes.
We would also like to track the trend of this time and put it on a  PRD or list view. How can this be done?


Release: DX UIM 20.4*/23.4*
Component: ntp_response probe 


You can install the ntp_response probe on a server.
once installed you can setup a profile to point to the ntp server that client should be in sync with.

you would want to set the offset alarm:
Offset - - - - Measures NTP server offset on host in milliseconds

You can collect the ntp offset as a QOS message as well to be able to add this to a report.