Using the RC/Query LOAD line command to generate a load utility the generated load cards do not include NULLIF clauses for any nullable columns.
RC/QUERY Profile parameter CA-Utilities is set to N, using IBM DB2 utilities
CA-UTILITIES ==> N (Y/N) - To use CA-Utilities.
RC/Query will only generate basic Load cards, however the following alternative methods could be used to include the NULLIF clause as needed:
1. Manually customize the generated Load cards to include the NULLIF clause.
2. Amend the JCL to reference the SYSPUNCH dataset that was created by the corresponding Unload utility. This SYSPUNCH dataset will include the required Load cards including the NULLIF clauses. This can be utilized by amending the SYSIN DD statement in the Load JCL to point to the relevant SYSPUNCH dataset:
Also ensure the DD name for the unload file, matches that referenced in the SYSPUNCH dataset. For example, SYSREC00.
3. Consider using RC/Migrator rather than RC/Query to load the data from one table to another? This could simply be done with a Data Only Quick Migration. The generated load cards will include the NULLIF statements as appropriate. RC/Migrator is designed as an object and data migrator and as such would be more suitable to this scenario. As with the LOAD line command, the QMIGRATE line command can be issued through RC/Query to generate the Quick Migration for the desired object.