Customer found Applet timeout is not running well. He set 10 mins for Applet timeout, and ssh to Linux server. He runs "top" and "vmstat 5 100" command on it and notices that 1. top command could keep ssh session alive even time reaches to 10 mins 2. vmstat command could not keep it alive when times reaches 3. if applet timeout set to 1 or 2 min, even top command would met terminated issue
PAM2.8.3 PAM3.0.2 PAM3.1.1
The Applet timeout is triggered or not according to the interval SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST sent to SSH server, this message depends on the client as well as the rate at which the data is being exchanged between the client and the server.
It's a expected behavior refer to Cause description. For more detailed explanation, check attached file <Applet timeout setup.docx>