How do I install an SSL certificate on my On-Premises appliance, in Agile Central?
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How do I install an SSL certificate on my On-Premises appliance, in Agile Central?


Article ID: 9577


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise


Installing an SSL certificate.


Component: ACPREM


To install an SSL certificate:

  1. Generate or purchase your certificate (this should be a single root or unchained certificate in the (standard) X.509 digital certificate format. The BASE64 encoded format is found between '-----BEGIN-----' and'-----END-----' lines.)
  2. Copy them to a convenient place where you may easily access them for installation.
  3. From the Control Panel, click the Feature menu, then Server Settings.
  4. Click the SSL Certificate tab.
  5. Click Choose File next to the SSL Certificate indicator to locate your SSL certificate (.cert) file.
  6. Click Choose File next to the SSL Key indicator to locate your SSL key (.key) file.
  7. If your SSL Certificate is a chained certificate, click the Chain Certificate File check box.  
  8. Click Choose File next to the SSL Certificate Bundle indicator to locate your SSL Certificate Bundle file.
  9. Click Upload to upload and install your certificate and key files.
  10. Restart the server.