Created VS with RR Pairs option as below.
. Provided the VSI and VSM names.
. Configured the Protocol information.
. REST DPH is automatically added.
. Added Scriptable DPH and Delimited Text DPH.
. Added the below code to modify the request to have delimiter as "] [" in Scriptable DPH:
import com.itko.util.ParameterList;
// Manipulate request body text
String theBody = lisa_vse_request.getBodyText();
String NewBody = theBody.substring(1,theBody.length()-1);
. Configured Delimited Text Data Protocol with Name/Value pairs as "[]"
. With the above DPH's, request is parsed with the below arguments and VS is created without any issue. Test=XX,ProdId=yutr,TestID=9876,NA=12.XX.XX3,VALT=XX.XX.X.XX,TS=20183