Command to check syntax of Data Partitions and Stored Queries.
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Command to check syntax of Data Partitions and Stored Queries.


Article ID: 95718


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


I would like to perform a check of Data Partitions and Stored Queries that exist in my Service Desk Manager environment to ensure that no Cartesian errors exist. Is there a command I can use to perform this task?


CA Service Desk Manager 17.3.X


To ensure that your data partition constraint does not produce a Cartesian product join, enter the following command:


bop_cmd -f $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\interp\bop_diag.frg "check_queries()"


bop_cmd -f $NX_ROOT/bopcfg/interp/bop_diag.frg "check_queries()"


Additional Information

When a data partitions or stored query is created in Service Desk Manager a Cartesian check is performed at the point of saving. The command outlined in this document may be useful if data partitions or stored queries were loaded into the environment that by-passed the built in system check (perhaps with a pdm_load). Under normal circumstances this command would not typically be needed.

More information on data partitions is located at How to Setup Data Partitions