Rally - WSAPI: Are there any limitations to the number of API calls that can be made?
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Rally - WSAPI: Are there any limitations to the number of API calls that can be made?


Article ID: 95713


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


Are there any limitations placed on the number of API calls that can be made in a given time period or by a specific user.


Release: SAAS
Component: ACSAAS


We do not have any limitations on the maximum number of API requests that can be made in a specific period of time such as hourly or daily.  We do, however, rate limit each user to a maximum of 12 simultaneous requests.  Exceeding 12 requests will result in a slowdown for subsequent requests.

The ad-hoc endpoint is limited when using basic authentication.  For the ad-hoc endpoint, only 16 calls by the same user can be in process at the same time.  The ad-hoc endpoint is not available in version 2 of the API and is being deprecated.

In addition to our concurrency limitations, we also reserve the right to disable a misbehaving user account if we determine that an integration is causing issues with our application servers.  If this happens, we will raise a ticket on behalf of your subscription admin and work with your team to try to understand the actions that led to this event.  Unfortunately, it is not always possible to communicate with subscription administrators prior to disabling accounts due to the impact across all users.

Additional Information

Keywords: throttling throttled agile central